Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Religion: Hindu

Although Nepal is officially a Hindu country ,a large proportion ,perhaps as much as one third of population is Buddhist. Nepal is only country in the world who enjoy the freedom of religion ,although more than two third of population of this country comes under Hindu religion. Hinduism is a multi disciplinary religion called Sanatana Dharma. There are endless division of Hindu system. Hinduism also advocates different ethical systems and meditation system so by practising these system one can take rebirth in Brahma realm. The Hindu religion has a large number of gods and their consorts and animals, but in Nepal basically three gods are worshiped ,although others god are also worshiped, called as Trinity of Hinduism.
Trinity of Hinduism

Brahma:- The creator Vishnu:- The preserver Shiva:- The destroyer


Brahma is the god of creation and he is traditionally accepted as the Creator of the entire universe. The description of Brahma like those of other deities of Hinduism bears a mystic symbolism. Brahma sitting on the lotus indicates that he is ever-rooted in the infinite Reality. The four faces of Brahma represent the four Vedas. They also symbolize the functioning of the inner personality (antahkarana) which consists of thoughts. They are the mind (manas), the intellect (buddhi), ego (ahamkara) and conditioned-consciousness (chitta). They represent the four ways in which thoughts function. Brahma the creator is described as being born from the navel of Vishnu as he is lying on the great serpent in the milky ocean. One of the earliest iconographic descriptions of Brahma is that of the four-faced god seated on a lotus. The Lord has in his four hands a water-pot (kamandalu), a manuscript (Vedas), a sacrificial implement (sruva) and a rosary (mala). He wears the hide of a black antelope and his vehicle is a swan {hansa).


Lord Vishnu, major god of Hinduism, popularly regarded as the preserver of the universe. In the ancient body of literature called the Veda, the sacred literature of the Aryan invaders, Vishnu ranks with the numerous lesser gods and is usually associated with the major Vedic god Indra in battles against demonic forces. Vishnu is depicted frequently in human form, sleeping on the great serpent Shesha and floating on the waters. Vishnu can be identified by his four arms holding a Sankha(sea shell),charka(round wheel like weapon),gada(stick like weapon),and padma(lotus flower). The petals of the lotus are believed to symbolize the unfolding of creation; the Sankha is said to symbolize that from which all existence originates; and the gada reputedly were obtained by Lord Vishnu as rewards for defeating the God Indra.. Occasionally, the balance of power is upset in favor of evil, and then Lord Vishnu is believed to descend to earth in a mortal form (his avatar) to save humankind or the world. Ten such avatars (descents or incarnations) are commonly recognized, of which Lord Rama and Lord Krishna are the most important. Nine descents are thought to have already occurred; the tenth and last is yet to come. His wife is Goddess Lakshmi (also known as Shri), goddess of beauty and fortune.


Shiva is said to be the god of destruction. The other two gods are Brahma, the god of creation and Vishnu, the god of maintenance. The three gods represent the three fundamental powers of nature which are manifest in the world viz. creation, destruction and maintenance. These powers exist perpetually. Creation is going on all the time. So is destruction and maintenance. All three powers are manifest at all times. They are inseparable. Creation and destruction are like two sides of a coin. And maintenance is an integral part of the processes of creation and destruction. Shiva is married to the Goddess Uma. Uma represents Prakriti which means perishable matter. Shiva's marriage with Uma signifies that the power of destruction has no meaning without its association with perishable matter. Destruction manifests itself only when there is perishable matter. Lord Shiva sits in a meditative pose against the white background of the snow-capped Himalayas in Mount Kailas. Its is the god Shiva grace giving rise to The Holy Rudraksha Beads for mankind to this world.

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